oga mu

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Some suggestions for Living

This morning, upon waking, my meditation was disturbed by constant thoughts of what I could or should be doing to help people minimise the impact of "civilisation" on their lives. I considered it awhile, and I felt that food was the most important dimension of civilisation that kept people down. I attempt to adhere to those guidelines, but I do not keep to them strictly, therefore I say avoid, rather than do not, because if I told you do not do this, you would respond with a reaction that would be detrimental. I've focused on food because it is one area where most of us have the power of choice. I'm no saint and I regularly avoid some of those guidelines (such as #'s 3, 5, 7, 12) but if we all moved along that path, some good may come from it. I'm working towards living like this.

1/ Avoid eating processed foods. This includes canned food, tv dinners, treated meats, irradiated fruits and vegetables. The reason being that such foods have deleterious qualities of lifeforce, and will consume your own lifeforce that they may be digested properly.

2/ Try to drink only boiled or distilled water, frequently. If possible (ie: you don't live too close to a major metropolis) consider setting up a rooftop catchment to collect water free of the shit that local government put in it to control the populace.

3/ Avoid the use of plastics to store or wrap food. If food is wrapped in plastic, transfer to paper bags or put in air-tight containers to keep fresh. Plastic always contaminates food. You're wrapping your food in oil; people are dying because of people wrapping food in plastic. The harmonics are not healthy.

4/ Avoid watching television an hour before going to bed, and also a hour after getting up in the morning. This means that your mind is free from subconscious influences while sleeping and you may access the noosphere untainted by programming. Maybe you'll meet up with your mates there.

5/ Avoid intoxicants such as marijuana, alcohol, prescription pills, coffee, cheese, over-cooked foods, and narcotics.

6/ Avoid wheat- or gluten-based products. Seek out breads based on rice, rye or spelt grains. Spelt is the only form of wheat that is completely digestible by the human body.

7/ Avoid cold or fizzy drinks. They shock the human body into a fight/flight response. Especially the ones with artificial sweeteners like aspartame.

8/ Buy local grown foods. This ensures your connection to the planet is sustained through foods grown in your area. Consider setting up a co-op where one of you has land and everyone else shares gardening duties and grow food.

9/ Avoid using refined sugar in your foods. Use honey or unrefined sugar if you really have to sweeten your foods.

10/ Keep food stored in your refrigerator to a minimum. Food stored in a refrigerator quickly assumes the harmonic vibration of the fridge and loses its integrity. Buy fresh veges on the day you will use them. Maybe a hassle, but your digestive system will thank you for it.

11/ Meditate on light in your heart at a regular time. This is a subtle technique for eliminating negative tendencies and harmonising your cellular system.

12/ Maintain some form of low-impact exercise regimen. A long walk around your neighbourhood will do the trick.

13/ Cultivate love and compassion for all living beings (not just humans, but plants, insects, birds, etc) and take care not to kill unnecessarily.

14/ Do everything in moderation.

15/ Avoid eating anything that has been slaughtered or otherwise bred in captivity to be slaughtered. Eat organic where possible.

16/ Avoid buying unnecessary items simply because they're the newest, coolest thing. Consider whether you will have better quality of life if you purchase such items.

17/ Do talk to your friends, call out people that indulge in wasteful behaviour, and attempt to keep your thoughts free from uncultured desires. Cultivate spirituality and move beyond religion. Look towards the essences of what is said, not what is said.

18/ Get outside more often. Walk on the grass in bare feet as much as you can. Sand is nice too. Walk in the rain. Allow Nature to caress you. Listen to the birds singing to the seeds. Listen for the greensong of the planet.

19/ Wear copper bracelets if you're on computers all the time. Consider the changes to your life if you used less electricity. . .

20/ Love life.